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Feldzug 1916 Volume 3 - Michael Baldwin

Artikelnummer: 184776

Kategorie: Uniformen & Ausrüstung

59,00 €

inkl. 7% USt. , gratis Versand

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This third volume of "Feldzug" covering the year of 1916 will continue to examine and explore at great depth the German Soldier of WW1. 1916 saw huge changes and developments in the appearance of the German Army, such as the partial introduction of factory produced steel helmets and the wide spread use of the practical and better suited to combat bluse. Although radical changes were afoot, the tradition rich Kaiser's Army continued to issue the famous pickelhaube, although details were to develop and change. All these fascinating details are covered within this work. In depth and well thought out text will accompany highly detailed close up photographs that will bring this painstakingly produced volume to life.

Hardcover, DIN A4, 204 pages, illustrated throughout with mostly colered photos

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Hier finden Sie alle bisher lieferbaren Bände der Reihe:
Feldzug 1914-1918

Autor: Michael Baldwin
Sprache: Englisch

Durchschnittliche Artikelbewertung

4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Stern

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5 von 5 sehr empfehlenswert

Sehr interessantes Buch über die Uniformen/Ausrüstungen der Deutschen Armee im 1. Weltkrieg. Eine wahre Fundgrube für mich als Modellbauer dieser Zeit.

., 29.12.2016
Einträge insgesamt: 1