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The French Army in the First World War Volume 2 - from1914 to 1918 Uniforms Equipment Armament

Artikelnummer: 191554

Kategorie: Truppengeschichte

99,00 €

inkl. 7% USt. , zzgl. Versand

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The French Army  in the First World War Volume 2 
From 1914 to 1918 Uniforms Equipment Armament

  • Authors: Laurent Mirouze & Stéphane Dekerle
  • 640 pages
  • approx. 1700 photographs and illustrations, fully coloured
  • Format: 29.5 cm x 26.0 cm

This work of 640 pages presents the incredible development of uniforms, armament and equipment of the French army from mobilization in August 1914 until the armistice in 1918. It thus completes the work published in 2007 on the French army at the outbreak of the war. Several hundred uniforms, artefacts and weapons belonging to the Musée d l´Armée in Paris, other prestigious museums and rich private collections have been photographed in this magnificent book typical of publications by Verlag Militaria. Access to these exceptional collections and the exploitation of archives has enabled new fields to be explored. With astonishment the reader will discover original items never before published from such varied fields as aviation, body armours or gas masks. The uniforms of the most senior French military commanders, including the marshal´s batons of Foch, Joffre and Petain are equally presented to the public for the first time under optimal photographic conditions. Finally, an incredible iconography of the time, consisting of nearly 400 unpublished black-and-white and 10 contemporary coloured photographs from WW1 ("autochromes") drawn from the depths of private and public photograph archives make this work into an indisputable reference book on the uniforms of the French army in the First World War.

Sprache: Englisch

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