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Imprint Heinz Nickel

Kasernenstrasse 6-10
66482 Zweibrücken
Juridically responsible owner according to § 6 MDStV: Heinz Nickel
Tel. +49 6332 72710
Fax +49 6332 72730

Bank connection:
VDM Heinz Nickel
VR-Bank Suedwestpfalz e.G.
Bank code/BLZ: 542 617 00
Acc.No./Re Nr: 405 36 13
IBAN: DE02 5426 1700 0004 0536 13
VAT Reg No/UsT.IdNr: DE 150 078 646
Tax No/Steuer-Nr: 35/122/30021

We herewith do declare that we do publish works on contemporary history (including electronic or audible data carriers) about and from the time of the national socialist rule 1933-1945 according to §§ 86 and 86a StGB only for the purpose of scientific research and instruction in the field of contemporary history, military history, phaleristics and uniformology. By ordering literature and other data carriers that for the sake of scientific and historic correctness do contain images of emblems, symbols and signs from the time of the Third Reich the customer commits himself to use said literature only for the purpose of scientific and historical research in the aforementioned sense but under no circumstances for anticonstitutional or otherwise illegal purposes. We distance ourselves explicitly and without any reservation from any national socialist, historical-revisionist or otherwise far-right ideology or its proponents. We oppose any kind of glorification of violence, persecution of the different-minded or support of totalitarian political systems.

You may contact our customer service for questions or customer complaints every workday from 09:00 AM to 5:30 PM by phone no. +49 6332 7 27 10 or by e-mail